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Important Documents

School Threat Protocol

The mission of this protocol is risk reduction and violence prevention to promote the safety of students and staff on district and school sites.


The Foresthill Union School District (FUSD) is committed to providing an environment free of violence or threats of violence and to safeguarding all students, employees and all other guests entering District property.
FUSD prohibits and will not tolerate any form of workplace violence by any employee or third party, including employees, vendors, visitors, parents, students, or others, either on any DISTRICT property or at any FUSD-sponsored events.
This Workplace Violence Prevention Plan (“WVPP” or “Plan”) is intended to supplement the FUSD’s Comprehensive School Safety Plan developed pursuant to Education Code § 32281 and general Injury and Ilness Prevention Program (“IIPP”) required by 8 CCR § 3203. This Plan is in effect at all times in all work areas and is intended to be specific to the hazards and corrective measures for each work area and operation.
The WVPP shall be available to employees, Cal/OSHA and authorized employee representatives at all times. FUSD shall provide all safeguards required by law and regulation, including provision of personal protective equipment and training at no cost to the employee, at a reasonable time and place for the employee, and during the employee's paid time.
The primary objective of the WVPP is to prevent and/or eliminate workplace violence as follows:
●  Establish and maintain an effective WVPP
●  Provide a safe working environment
●  Establish policies, training and communications to improve workplace violence prevention
●  Provide written records of workplace violence incidents and investigations, in accordance with the Plan.
Uniform Complaint Procedures 

Uniform Complaint Procedures 

What is a UCP complaint?

A complaint under the Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP) is a written and signed statement alleging a violation of federal or state laws governing certain educational programs.

Williams Complaints

A Williams Complaint, another type of UCP complaint, regards instructional materials, emergency or urgent facilities conditions that pose a threat to the health and safety of pupils, and teacher vacancy or misassignment and may be filed anonymously. Williams Complaints are filed with the principal, or their designee, of the school in which the complaint arises. Schools have complaint forms available for these types of complaints, but will not reject a complaint if the form is not used as long as the complaint is submitted in writing.
If a Williams Complaint requirement is allegedly not being met, a Williams Complaint form may be obtained at a school office or an agency/district office