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Student Success Strategies

Education starts at school and continues at home. There are plenty of things that you, as parents, can do at home to help your child along a strong developmental path. Here are some helpful tips to give your child an advantage at home, which will transfer to the classroom.

1. Create a Structured Routine

  • Establish a Consistent Schedule: Set regular times for waking up, meals, homework, play, and bedtime. This helps children understand expectations and develop time management skills.
  • Dedicated Study Space: Designate a quiet, well-lit area for homework and studying, free from distractions.

2. Encourage a Love of Reading

  • Daily Reading Time: Set aside time each day for reading together. This can include reading to your child or having them read to you.
  • Diverse Reading Materials: Provide access to a variety of books, magazines, and educational websites that cater to their interests and reading level.

3. Engage in Educational Activities

  • Interactive Learning: Use educational games, apps, and activities that make learning fun and interactive.
  • Real-World Learning: Incorporate learning into daily activities, such as cooking (measuring ingredients), grocery shopping (budgeting), and nature walks (observing and discussing wildlife).

4. Promote Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving

  • Ask Open-Ended Questions: Encourage your child to think critically by asking questions that require more than a yes or no answer.
  • Problem-Solving Opportunities: Present real-life problems and work together to find solutions, fostering creativity and analytical skills.

5. Foster a Positive Learning Environment

  • Encourage Curiosity: Praise your child’s efforts and encourage them to ask questions and explore their interests.
  • Model Lifelong Learning: Demonstrate a positive attitude toward learning by pursuing your own educational interests and sharing your experiences with your child.
By implementing these strategies, parents can create a supportive and enriching home environment that enhances their child's educational journey.
Activities to do with the Family

Activities to do with the Family

  • Set aside time to write and read short stories to each other.
  • Find a board game that the whole family can play and have some fun (board games usually involve problem solving, math, writing, and many other transferable skills).
  • Read from a variety of sources – expose your children to different ways of writing and thinking
  • Play rhyming games – rhyming games help with improvisational skills and vocabulary.
  • Don’t limit yourself to a certain writing or vocabulary level – try new things and see what develops quicker than others.
  • Write different styles – experiment with different styles to broaden their skills.
  • Read together – dedicate time to read separate stories in the same room or the same story
  • Encourage them to explore art – different artistic expressions can go simultaneously with higher-level skills. Poetry is relatable to writing as much as music is to math.
  • Talk to your kids. Discuss what they did that day in school, what they liked, what they didn’t.
  • Make every day activities educational – engage your child to skim the paper for things, help you make shopping lists, or dictate recipes. Little things like this build transferable skills that help in a collection of different areas.
  • Encourage their curiosity.
  • Motivate with reward, applause, or recognition.
  • Routines are good – they set boundaries, time limits, schedules, and things to look forward to.
  • Talk about word families. Point out words that are related to other words and help build an early relationship with language, logic, and deduction.
  • Listen to music. Music can train children in subconscious, subtle manners – making them more receptive to lessons they may consider boring otherwise.
  • Look up words – don’t let your children remain confused. If they come across words they don’t understand, help them look it up and work through them.
  • Share family stories and talk regularly.
  • Go on adventures. Going camping, to museums, or sporting events exposes them to a completely new world of excite to experience.
  • Play games like I-Spy, where you engage multiple senses, deduction and problem solving.
  • Help your child keep a diary. Read it through with them, as this is both a good way to learn writing skills, speaking skills, and reading skills.